Well, sort of. There were all these spinning wheels, swifts, a giant weaving loom (and other stuff that I have no idea what it is) in this random room in the fort. I swear crafts get no respect, even back then. Every arrow head, bullet, and razor blade in the entire fort had a little placard explaining what it was and who it belonged to, but you get to the GOOD stuff, and there’s no placard, no explanation, nothing. Just a room filled with awesome and no description of what any of it is. Bitches.

Anyway, we went to a really posh dinner that night at The Inn at Erlowest. It was included in our hotel package, or we probably would have eaten somewhere else. It was fantastic though, and Joe got a kick of them bringing him a new fork or knife on a silver tray every time he used one. I guess licking the old one & putting it back is not proper etiquette. Who knew?! ;) Then we took a moonlight cruise on the Minne Ha Ha (also included with the hotel package), which was really fun. They had a band that played 80s rock, so I was in heaven. Here we are just after dinner (I am wearing 4" platform heels, plus craning my neck to get in the picture, lol):
Oh, I forgot to tell you; Saturday morning we went to the Yarn Angel in Glens Falls, and I picked up some souvenir sock yarn. It’s Mirasol Hacho, and I just love the colors! The shop was super cute & well stocked, and everyone was really friendly.

Sunday we headed home and stopped at the outlet mall on the way. We stuffed the saddle bags with Under Armour shirts for Joe because the deals were just TOO good to pass up. I was glad to break my weekend ‘routine’ for a change, and even though I’m dreading the credit card statement, it was really fun to get away for a couple days! My next post will be “FO: Central Park Hoodie,” so stay tuned!