Sunday, January 04, 2009

Christmas Vacation

I took a little internet break this holiday season in addition to my work vacation. I still get email and facebook updates on the Blackberry, but I have been blog and ravelry free since the 23rd or so. As punishment, I have 432 unread blog posts, but I'll tackle them during this afternoon's playoff game and tomorrow's down time at work. I have a LOT to show and tell you guys though! I got Joe to model his Anniversary sweater (Don't feel sorry for him; It only snowed 12 inches that day!):
Anniversary Sweater
I made some Christmas presents:
Baby Weasley
Twilight Mitts for Aimee
I got some Christmas presents:

And I started a couple new projects:
Central Park Hoodie for me:
CPH sleeves
McCall's 4244 for Joe:

I'm still working on my pirate themed socks, but my size 2's got splinters, so I'm contemplating which needles to try next. The finalists are Darn Pretty Needles and Knitpicks harmony's. I got a gift card to Creative Fibers in the office Secret Santa, so I might see if they can get the Darn Pretty's as a special order. My criteria for dpn's are flexible, slippery, and short (under 6"). My absolute favorites are Bryspuns, but I've yet to find the size 2's in the short length.

One project that is a priority this year is my increasing ass size. I gained TEN pounds since our Aruba trip in November (I currently think it's funny; we'll see how long that lasts), so I'm on grilled chicken salad for lunch and one hour of exercise every day until it's gone. In my defense, I was on light duty/no workouts for 2 weeks due to surgery on my legs, but that's really no excuse. I just fell off the wagon big time.

Our annual trip to VA on Christmas day went well as usual. We were able to stop in Arlington this year since Aimee is a new mom & stayed home this year, which suited us perfectly. This allowed us to avoid the family for a good 3 hours! And with all the in fighting going on this year, that was a GOOD thing. My mom was crazy as usual & I forgot to photograph it, but I did manage to finish her annual knitted giftie (Socks made with Spunky Eclectic yarn). As some of you know, if she had it her way, I would knit exclusively for her 24/7. But, sadly, I have a JOB so I am unable to do so, and she "only" gets a couple things a year. She actually said she had been cursing Aimee's baby thinking that he was getting all the knitted goodness this year. Who the eff would curse a little baby? My mother, that's who. Although, Hewen DID get the best gift this year:
hew weasley
So cute. Hee hee.


Knittymuggins said...

Welcome back! It's always good to take a break and what better time than the holidays? Glad they were wonderful and all the projects are amazing!

Sorry about the surgery (didn't know about that!) and the 10 lbs. I hope you've recovered and it's wonderful that you're managing to laugh about it all :) Me, I've got those 10 extra lbs. to work off too so I'll be eating salad right there with you sista!

Happy New Year!


Anonymous said...

Glad you're back - life is more colorful when you are posting in it, my friend. LOVE Hewen's photo as much as his darling sweater.

Robin said...

Glad you are back and hope you are feeling refreshed after your internet break. I like taking those breaks too once in a while.

Great sweaters (that baby sweater is super cute) and can't wait to see what you do with the 900CP.

I'm sure the salad and 1 hour a day workouts will do the trick.

Karen said...

OMG that baby is adorable! I so want to kiss those cheeks. And The sweater he is wearing rocks! Joe's sweater came out great!

Glad you had a nice internet/blog vacation. I take them a lot and enjoy them every time.

Didn't you already have a serger? Or is that not a serger? I have no clue.

Heather said...

Awwwww! That sweater fits him perfectly!! He totally deserves all your knitting time, and I do think you should quit your job to do it!!!

Welcome back - glad you're speaking to us again!!
